Advanced Technology For Challenged Kids was created in 2000 to help bridge
the Technology divide. Studies show that kids who do not have access to computers are falling behind those who do. Our purpose
is to try and provide as many kids as possible with computers.
The project secures and reconditions, as needed, donated computer equipment/systems
and distributes these items, at no expense, to challenged children/youth, their families, and to the nonprofit
organizations which serve them. The project is implemented by one physically challenged AmeriCorps*VISTA Volunteer on a daily
basis. Volunteers secure donated computers from private employers and state government surplus warehouses and recondition/distribute
them. As of this date, the project has operated without any funding,
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) in 1999, in numerous published documents,
indicated that children of single parent households, particularly those who live in rural areas, are among the groups that
lack the greatest access to information resources. The digital divide-the divide between those with access to new technology
and those without, based on disability status, according to DOC., is just as large as that based on race and ethnicity and,
regardless of income level.
We work on a priority bases starting with kids with disabilities but one of
the biggest challenges can be financial. Our goal is to try and see that every kid who has a need is helped.
Goal #1: Empowerment and enhancement
of challenged children/youths ability to achieve a maximum level of independence through utilization of computer technology
on the information highway.
Objective #1: To create access and maximize
individual independence to the community for challenged children/youth through the vehicle of computer technology.